Third wave coffee is a phrase that has become popular. Whether online or when you step into a local coffee shop. But what does it really mean?
“Third Wave Coffee” coined by American Trish Rothgeb in 2002 is a label for the products of the coffee industry with the same mission: to deliver quality coffee to consumers.
Third wave coffee is also defined as a result of everyone’s hard work from the producer or farmer, importer, roaster, barista, and consumers.
How About the First and Second Wave?
First Wave Coffee
The first wave of coffee are pre-ground, vacuum-packed coffee without the focus of quality and traceability.
Second Wave Coffee
The second wave of coffee offers a different experience to consumers wherein coffees are fresh-roasted and bagged and can be bought in a coffee shop like Starbucks. However, quality coffee is also not a focus.
Is Third Wave Coffee a Specialty Coffee?
Third wave coffee is not a specialty coffee. Third wave coffee is a mindset, an experience, a movement, and a focus on consumer education and service. In Specialty Coffee Association (SCA), coffees are scored on a 100-point scale. In order to be called a “specialty coffee” the coffees must have points of 80 points or above.